The Lippan Kaam, an intricate form of mud and mirror art, takes a captivating turn in Kalaarang’s rendition of the evil eye. Skillfully crafted, the evil eye made with Lippan by Kalaarang embodies a mesmerizing blend of traditional artistry and spiritual symbolism. This symbol is supposed to ward off evil from your surroundings.
Delicate mirrors and blue white hues form a protective shield against negative energy, while intricate patterns create a visual narrative of cultural richness.
Kalaarang’s commitment to preserving heritage through this ancient craft elevates the evil eye from a mere object to a cultural masterpiece, casting a spell of admiration for the artist’s ability to infuse folklore into tangible beauty.
Evil Eye
The Lippan Kaam, an intricate form of mud and mirror art, takes a captivating turn in Kalaarang’s rendition of the evil eye. Skillfully crafted, the evil eye made with Lippan by Kalaarang embodies a mesmerizing blend of traditional artistry and spiritual symbolism. This symbol is supposed to ward off evil from your surroundings.
- Base material: MDF Board
- Clay and mirror work
- Size: 18 inches X 18 inches
Made to order. Please allow about 10-15 days for despatch.